What The Devialet Automotive Range Could Be: A Concept by a French Designer

May 06, 2024

In the world of new ideas and cool designs, some brands catch our eye not just with what they make, but with the stories they tell through design. Devialet, a French brand famous for top-notch sound gear, is one of those brands. Even though they're known for sound, their mix of old-fashioned skill and modern tech is just like what you see in car design. It's a mix that doesn't just get people excited but also sets a new look for designers in all sorts of fields.

Disclaimer: This is an individual project by a Designer and not an official project from Devialet

People love Devialet's products not just because they're super high-tech, but also because they look cool. Think about their Phantom speakers or Gemini earphones. They're not just for listening; they're like beautiful decorations that fit in anywhere and make the place better. The smooth and mysterious design they have is like a fountain of ideas, showing how things can be both stylish and useful without any trouble. 

In a bid to explore the potential crossover between Devialet's signature style and the automotive world, this project was born. It aimed to reimagine what the Devialet automotive range could look like, a daring endeavour that promised to marry sobriety with aggression in a seamless blend. The transformation began by infusing the iconic silhouette of the Phantom speaker with the dynamic essence of a GT

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A Fusion of Form and Function 

What came out was a fantastic idea for a car, marked by smooth lines and a clear design. You could see hints of Devialet's style all over the outside: like the lines that looked like the speaker's shape and the grille inspired by the Gemini II earphones. Each little part showed how Devialet cares about both how things look and how they work. But it wasn't just about looks; the designer wanted the car to feel alive like it's moving even when it's standing still. 

The back had 10 lines that looked like the hidden face of the Phantom II speakers, making it seem like the car was always speeding up. Even the wheels were a nod to music, with the back ones looking like piano keys and the front ones like the speaker's insides. These tiny touches made the idea come alive, turning it from just a design idea into an exciting story.

Devialet's Influence on Automotive Design

At its heart, this concept represented balance, blending form, function, and feeling seamlessly. Beneath its simple outside, it held the promise of exciting performance, ready to burst forth at any moment. By skipping usual parts like windshields and mirrors, the project went beyond normal car design, embracing art and skill in their purest forms. It honoured humanity's ability to create, showing off our endless ideas and cleverness. 

In every curve and shape, you could see the designer's idea come alive, showing the strength of imagination and new ideas. Even though this concept is just in our minds for now, it's still making waves in different fields, inspiring a new bunch of designers to go beyond limits. Because in design, like in life, it's often the craziest ideas that stick with us the most. This concept, boldly mixing Devialet's art with the timeless appeal of car design, is a perfect example of that truth.

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About Designer

Hugo Wennberg believes that a pure design with cohesive lines will most easily resonate with the general public. He sees this type of design, subtly understated yet effective, as evoking fond memories for older generations while exciting younger ones. His ambition is to unite different generations through elegant and cohesive design, bridging retro aesthetics with technological advancements. After completing 3 years of studying Product Design at École de Condé in Lyon, followed by 2 years in a Master's program at IAAD in Turin, Hugo is now prepared to seize every opportunity to enter the fascinating world of automotive design and contribute his youthful perspective.

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Hugo Wennberg