Quantron Design Award 2024: Everything you need to know!

Nov 24, 2023

Automotive Design Planet is pleased to share the exciting news of our collaboration with Quantron AG, in partnership with Vizcom and Gravity Sketch, for the esteemed Quantron Design Awards 2024. Quantron AG, a subsidiary of Haller GmbH with a distinguished history spanning over 140 years in commercial vehicles, is a leading platform provider in sustainable mobility and specialises in electric powertrains and H2 fuel cell technology for trucks, buses, and vans.


Central to the company's offerings is an innovative concept called Quantron-as-a-Service (QaaS), a comprehensive 360° zero-emission ecosystem that spans the entire mobility value chain. Within this framework, QUANTRON INSIDE will take centre stage, providing various vehicles, components, powertrains, fuel trains, and other essential hardware to reduce Scope 1 and 3 emissions. QUANTRON ENERGY & POWER STATION will play a pivotal role in producing green hydrogen and electricity, ensuring availability from sustainable sources only. QUANTRON CUSTOMER SOLUTIONS will complement these, ensuring seamless digital and physical after-sales support. Operating through an extensive Europe-wide network that will soon include more than 700 service partners, this service arm will provide comprehensive solutions for maintenance, repair, spare parts, telematics, and in-cloud options for remote diagnostics and efficient fleet management.

Project Brief

The global transportation and logistics system is confronting a series of substantial challenges like congested road networks, heightened demand for freight services, escalating fuel expenses, and environmental concerns regarding emissions, and there is a strong need for more efficient, sustainable, and technologically advanced solutions to tackle these challenges. That’s why Quantron AG with Quantron Design Awards 2024 is inviting students and recent graduates from bachelor's & master's studies based in Europe to design innovative and unconventional solutions to address these multifaceted challenges and help them redefine the future of global commercial transportation.

Within the 'Quantron as a Service' ecosystem, participants should craft a comprehensive solution for long-distance transport based on the Heavy European truck driven by a 4x2 Hydrogen Fuel Cell powered tractor unit. The concepts should be centred around a modular skateboard package with two distinctive design criteria based on the same platform:

  1. With a full-size European truck featuring a driver's cabin.
  2. Driverless truck with remotely operated platform or completely autonomously driven.

In both cases, the truck must carry a standard EU trailer. In the remote driving solution, the drivers should be able to drive various trucks using the same controlling station at their home or QUANTRON’s remote driving hubs.

How to Apply!

1st phase, follow these three easy steps:

Step 1:
Create a presentation of your creative work using the project layout provided in the download section. Keep it between 2 to 3 pages.

Step 2:
Share your work on your LinkedIn and Instagram profiles, and remember to use these hashtags: #quantrondesignaward #automotivedesignplanet #vizcom #gravitysketch.

Step 3:
Sign up on our landing page with your basic information and include the URL links to your social media posts on LinkedIn and Instagram. (Please provide your information accurately so we can contact you if you're chosen for the second phase.)

Please note: For applicants who don't follow these three steps, the jury won't review their application.

Apply Now!

2nd phase, follow these three easy steps:

Step 1: 
Revise and enhance your project based on the feedback received from the jury in phase 1. Present your work using the provided project layout from the download section.

You need to provide a total of 6 pages in this phase, organized as follows:
- 1 page to describe your scenario, theory, concept research, and mood board.
- 2 pages for your design research and development, including 2D sketches or rough 3D forms.
- 3 pages to display the best views of your project using emotional 3D/2D renders.

Submit your six pages on the website, a 3D model of your project, and a minimum 10-second animation.

Please Note: If you don't follow these three steps, the jury won't review your application. Feel free to share your work on social media, and when you do, use these hashtags: #quantrondesignaward #automotivedesignplanet #vizcom #gravitysketch.

Jury and the evaluation factors

  • Creative, non-conventional and fresh thinking to solve transportation and logistics challenges.
  • Ensure the design works in two ways, with a driver's cabin and without.
  • Ensuring that it fits well with the QUANTRON-as-a-Service 360 degree ecosystem.

Jury Members

Discover all the essential graphic resources, including logos and layout templates, available for download right here

Apply Now!

Quantron Design