Polestar Ubik Is An Innovative Concept Inviting Individuals To Explore a World Beyond Imagination

Jan 18, 2024

In the world of transportation, things are always changing, and new ideas are crucial for moving forward. Polestar Ubik is like a symbol of creative design and futuristic exploration. A student of IAAD came up with this cool idea. It's not just a way to get around; it's like a whole system that invites people to break free from the usual and take a special journey into the future. Ubik is more than just a vehicle; it's like a doorway that transports us to an exciting world imagined for the year 2050.

The Spark of Inspiration: UBIK by Philip Kindred Dick

At the core of Ubik is a deep inspiration drawn from Philip Kindred Dick's masterpiece, 'UBIK.' This influential work doesn't just shape the world envisioned in the project; it introduces a distinctive idea – a world that is neither dystopian nor utopian but rather a perfect representation of how an electric evolution could optimally unfold.

Dick's storytelling sparks the imagination, giving rise to a vision where mobility becomes small-scale, lifestyles gain autonomy, and freedom becomes a driving force. Ubik goes beyond traditional limits, crafting a vehicle that goes beyond being just a mode of transport; it transforms into an extension of personal exploration and discovery.

Form Unleashing Function

Ubik's design philosophy embodies the principle of 'form follows function.' Its architecture is elegantly simple, acting as a blank canvas where functionality takes centre stage with masterful precision. The vehicle is adorned with stylish details, featuring uniquely designed front and rear lights that seamlessly blend Polestar's precision with practicality. These lights do more than illuminate the road - they double as flashlights, extending the vehicle's usefulness beyond just driving.

The visible engines and strategically placed side lights contribute to the technical tableau, presenting Ubik as a machine designed with a clear purpose. A notable departure from convention is the absence of traditional wheel arches, freeing the wheels and bestowing the vehicle with exceptional agility on various terrains. Ubik represents a perfect harmony between form and function, showcasing how aesthetics find their true expression in the vehicle's technical prowess.

Ubik is not just a regular vehicle; it's also about smart technology. It imagines a future where smart machines, like Ubik, become a normal part of our lives. In the future, technology will help us by saving time and giving us more time to do the things we enjoy. So, Ubik is like a door to a way of living where our interests blend well with smart technology. It looks forward to a time when our friendship with technology makes our lives better, letting us focus on what makes us happy.

Ubik: For the Adventurous Souls

Ubik isn't just a concept for the future; it's a call to the adventurous souls yearning for a journey beyond the ordinary. Whether you choose to rent this marvel for a brief escape or make it a permanent companion in your explorations, Ubik opens doors to endless possibilities. Picture yourself choosing a personalized box at one of the Ubik centres – a dynamic element that evolves with your journey. This autonomous yet driver-friendly vehicle isn't merely a mode of transportation; it's a companion in the pursuit of the extraordinary. It adapts to your desires, fostering a connection between the traveller and the machine.


Polestar Ubik is more than a vehicle; it's like a story, a glimpse into a future where adventures have no limits. By combining creative design, smart technology, and a love for exploration, Ubik welcomes us to enter a world where the trip is just as exciting as reaching the goal. Looking ahead to the future, Ubik shows us that there are countless exciting possibilities when we take a unique path.

About Designer

Born in Russia in 2002, Sergey Bertagnini entered the world wielding a book in one hand and a computer in the other. From the book, he gleaned the art of imagination and understanding, while the computer became the instrument to initiate creation and design. A fervent enthusiast of graphic and UI/UX design from the start, Sergey enrolled in the Transportation Design program at IAAD. This journey allowed him to explore not just his passion for exterior design but to dive into a world where creativity knows no bounds. Now, on the cusp of his final-year thesis, Sergey seeks to harmonize his diverse interests into a design masterpiece.

You can visit his profile here.

Sergey Bertagnini