A Journey into Bushcraft-inspired motorcycle by Yeongjun Lee

Apr 05, 2024

In the world of outdoor living, more and more people are blending the conveniences of modern life with the tranquillity of nature. But for those who practice Bushcraft, camping isn't merely a hobby; it's a way of life where they create a new existence in the wild, using only what nature offers. Picture crafting spoons and bowls from wood found in the forest, embracing self-reliance and ingenuity. This is the fundamental principle of Bushcraft – mastering the art of making the most out of natural resources in the wilderness.

When the designer started designing the 'Bushneered' motorcycle, he imagined a vehicle that captured the essence of Bushcraft philosophy. The term 'Bushneered' embodies this idea – crafted by Bushcraft principles. The motorcycle isn't just for getting around; it's a platform for users to express their creativity, similar to crafting tools and utensils from natural materials in the wild.

The Design Process: Infusing Nature into the Motorcycle

Every detail of the Bushneered motorcycle is carefully designed to evoke the essence of Bushcraft aesthetics. Taking cues from the natural world, the design incorporates elements like the distinctive hoody shape, reminiscent of shelter, and a striking headlamp that signifies the spirit of exploration. Additionally, earthy tones are chosen for their outdoor appeal. The frame of the motorcycle is inspired by the graceful leaves of Asian trees, paying homage to the intricate craftsmanship seen in traditional wooden artefacts.

To address the issue of accessibility, particularly for shorter riders, the seat position has been lowered to 850mm. This adjustment ensures that all adventurers can easily handle and control the motorcycle, regardless of their height. A standout characteristic of the Bushneered motorcycle is its modularity, which empowers riders to tailor and personalize their riding experience according to their unique preferences. A key feature contributing to this adaptability is the leaf-shaped luggage partition, designed to offer ample storage space for gear. What sets it apart is its foldable nature, allowing it to expand and accommodate larger items as needed.

Furthermore, the cockpit design incorporates a balance bar reminiscent of a pikatini rail. This feature provides riders with the convenience of attaching accessories such as action cameras or cup holders, enhancing the versatility of the motorcycle. Moreover, the battery frame serves a dual purpose by also functioning as a rail system. This innovative design enables easy loading of elongated items like skis or fishing rods, further amplifying the motorcycle's utility and convenience for adventurous riders.

Innovative Features: Redefining Motorcycle Essentials


Breaking away from traditional norms, the Bushneered motorcycle revolutionizes the fundamental elements of a standard bike. Understanding the importance of outdoor gear for adventure seekers, the designer integrated storage compartments directly into the motorcycle's core, eliminating the necessity for bulky side touring boxes. These storage units are carefully designed with functionality in mind, serving as versatile spaces for storing essentials while also doubling as mass hangers for larger items such as surfboards or telescopes. This innovative approach not only maximizes storage efficiency but also enhances the motorcycle's sleek and streamlined appearance, embodying a perfect blend of practicality and style for the modern adventurer.

Features such as the skid plate, which doubles as a bonfire plate and feed bowl for birdwatching, and the shovel attached to the rear swing arm for brake disk guard, exemplify the multifunctionality of the design. Additionally, lime-coloured pipe parts serve as convenient hooks for hanging tents and hammock slings, further enhancing the camping experience.

The Model-Making Process

Before the physical manifestation of the Bushneered motorcycle, an extensive process of meticulous planning and craftsmanship was indispensable. Employing state-of-the-art technology, the designer crafted a 3D model using software such as Alias and Fusion 360, guaranteeing precision and accuracy in every aspect. With around 180 individual components, the assembly procedure presented both challenges and gratifications. Weeks of dedicated effort, encompassing pre-assembly, painting, and final touches, culminated in the emergence of the Bushneered motorcycle—a remarkable testament to creativity and innovation within the realm of outdoor exploration.



In conclusion, the Bushneered motorcycle goes beyond just being a vehicle; it's a powerful symbol of creativity and a deep love for nature. Its design and engineering reflect the principles of Bushcraft philosophy, making it more than just a way to get around. It's an invitation to incredible adventures, where riders can explore with endless creativity and a strong sense of discovery. With the Bushneered motorcycle, every journey becomes an opportunity for expression and a reminder of the endless wonders nature has to offer.

About Designer

Yeongjun Lee is studying in Hongik university, Industrial and smart mobility design BA and finds pleasure in hands-on design work, deriving satisfaction from shaping intended forms by physically carving surfaces. Whether it's moulding clay or overseeing the production of a 3D printed output, the ability to directly touch and feel the outcomes of his own or his colleagues' designs is deeply rewarding. This affinity for tangible creation naturally drew him to motorcycles, products that inherently demand a lot of hands-on interaction. This passion fueled his aspiration to craft a motorcycle precisely as he envisioned it, thus setting him on the journey of the motorcycle.

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yeongjun lee