This Ground-breaking Concept In Collaboration With The German Aerospace Center Aims To Redefine Emergency Aid And Disaster Response

Apr 13, 2024

In today's fast-changing world of technology, self-driving cars are more than just vehicles that take you places. They're changing how businesses work and helping to keep people safe. Here comes "Resilient Emergency Support and Quest" (RESQ), a new idea made with the help of the German Aerospace Center. It's all about making emergency help and disaster response better than ever.

The core mission of RESQ is clear: to deliver aid swiftly and efficiently to disaster areas, where time is of the essence. By harnessing the power of autonomous driving, RESQ ensures that relief supplies reach those in need without endangering additional lives.

Adaptable Solutions for Varied Scenarios

Autonomous driving goes way beyond just getting people from point A to point B. This special project, done with the German Aerospace Center, is all about making a vehicle that can carry important stuff like emergency supplies. Imagine a car that drives itself, speeding up how quickly help can get to people in trouble, all while keeping emergency workers safe. When there's a life-or-death situation, you need a vehicle that's super flexible and always ready to go. It should carry everything people need to survive and be smart enough to figure out the best way to get there on its own.

That's where "Resilient Emergency Support and Quest" (RESQ) comes in. It's like a superhero vehicle for emergencies, designed to help groups of people when disaster strikes. Its main job is to safely deliver supplies to wherever they're needed most, whether it's after a big storm or during a rescue mission. If there's a crisis, you can send one or more of these vehicles to lend a hand and make sure everyone gets the help they need, fast and safe. The most important thing is making sure that aid gets to both the helpers and the people who need it the most.

Designing for Efficiency and Safety

The designers wanted to make sure that the RESQ vehicle looks modern and high-tech, but also feels safe and sturdy. So, they came up with a design that clearly shows it's an autonomous vehicle but doesn't make people feel worried about it. Even though it's tall, they made sure it stays stable by keeping its centre of gravity low, so it drives smoothly and reliably.

Since it's meant to carry supplies, both the designers made sure there's plenty of space inside while still keeping it the right size for regular roads. They added lights on the sides to brighten up the area around the vehicle, helping both the people helping out and those who need assistance. Having a well-lit environment also encourages people to come closer, even when it's dark outside. On the front, there's a grid of pixels that can interact with the surroundings and show important information. And, keeping safety in mind the designers made sure to mark all the moving parts with printed instructions to keep everyone safe.

They also chose colours that make it easy for everyone to understand how to interact with the vehicle, especially for people who have trouble seeing well. And, these colours are tough enough to handle dirt and wear, so the vehicle stays looking good and working well for a long time.

The RESQ trucks are flexible. They can work alone or team up in a group, depending on how many people need help, how big the area is, and how bad the disaster is. And because they can find their way, the convoy can split up if needed to reach different places faster. When it's time to get moving, one or more of these aid trucks start from a main station. They're all stocked up with food and water to keep them going. As they travel, they drop off supplies where they're needed most. And when they come back, they get restocked so they're ready to go again.

Leveraging Cutting-Edge Technology

The RESQ vehicle is packed with technology to help it see and navigate its surroundings. It has 26 sensors called LIDAR all around it to give it a full 360-degree view. Plus, there are 8 cameras to add visuals to the depth info from LIDAR. This combo helps the vehicle understand everything around it well, so it can avoid any obstacles. To make sure it stays sturdy and reliable, the vehicle has special tyres called "airless tyres." These tyres have a tough tread pattern for extra grip on different surfaces and rough roads. They're made with strong steel wheels like those on trucks, and they have covers to keep dirt out. Plus, it has dual tyres on the back to help it grip the road even better.

Under the hood, it's got two powerful electric motors that can deliver a total of 900 kilowatt-hours of power. That's controlled by two differentials to make sure everything runs smoothly. It gets its power from three big batteries that can take it up to 600 kilometres on a single charge. And, to keep those batteries charged, there are 18 solar panels on the roof.


This project, done with the German Aerospace Center, focuses on using modern technology to help out in places facing emergencies. The "RESQ" system was made just for this job. It brings together usefulness, new ideas, and design that thinks about the people who will use it. This concept shows how self-driving can do a lot more than just take people around—it can be a big help in tough situations, using all the good things this tech can offer.

About Designers

Adrian Wiepke and Björn Heine, the brains behind the "RESQ" idea, are both studying Engineering Design at Magdeburg-Stendal University. They're not just students—they're also industrial designers with a lot of experience in different fields like making machines, and gadgets, and designing transportation. Their skills mix to make their teamwork special. They love making things that not only work well but also look great. Adrian and Björn are all about finding new ways to help different kinds of people with their creations.

If you want to see more of what they've done, you can check out Adrian's projects at and Björn's at

Adrian Wiepcke

Björn Heine